
心血管疾病是世界范围内导致死亡的主要原因, 并与其他心血管紧密相连, 肾脏和代谢(CVRM)状况.1,2


Approximately 523 million people across the world live with cardiovascular (CV) disease, 通常伴随着心血管健康的下降.3 心血管疾病不仅是全球死亡的主要原因,1 它还与其他心血管疾病密切相关.2

冠状动脉疾病(CAD), 是一种为心脏供血的动脉变窄的慢性持续性疾病吗.4,5 动脉粥样硬化斑块, 脂肪堆积:脂肪物质沉积的堆积, 胆固醇, 细胞废物和其他物质, 积聚在冠状动脉, 阻碍血液流向心脏肌肉.5 The plaque can cause partial or complete blockage of blood supply to the 心 muscle, 哪些会导致心脏病发作.4,5

对于那些心脏病发作后幸存下来的人, it may often be the start of a journey into declining cardiovascular health. Over 30% of those 谁 have had a 心 attack go on to have a subsequent attack, 一年内中风或死亡, 强调早期诊断的重要性, developing treatments to reduce or stop coronary 心 disease progression, 解决不受控制的风险因素.6



高血压, 或者高血压, is a common condition that relates to increased force of the blood pushing against the artery walls. 它有时被称为无声杀手,因为患者通常没有明显的症状, although the condition is actively deteriorating the overall health of the individual:10

  • High blood pressure can lead to damage in multiple organs (this is called “end-organ damage”), 哪一个常与心脏联系在一起, 因为你的心脏需要更加努力地泵血.10
  • 其他器官也会受到影响, including your kidneys because the small vessels in the kidneys are affected, 你的眼睛, 甚至还有你的脑血管.10,11

Normal blood pressure is defined as 120 mmHg or less for the systolic measurement, 舒张血压不超过80毫米汞柱.13 People with hypertension continually have blood pressure levels higher than those, although some people might have short-term elevations during certain activities such as exercise.  

高血压患者被认为是一种慢性疾病,需要采取多种干预措施将血压水平保持在适当的范围内. 然而,并非所有人对治疗的反应都是一样的. 有些人尽管改变了生活方式并服用了药物,但血压仍然升高, 这被称为不可控高血压(uHTN).14 还有一小部分病人, despite the concurrent use of three or more antihypertensive medications from different drug classes, 无法使血压正常. This situation is known specifically as resistant hypertension (rHTN).15

Treatment-resistant hypertension (rHTN) impacts over 50 million 病人




仍然不受控制,收缩压持续高, 尽管服用了3种以上抗高血压药物(rHTN)

图的图标 = 1000万患者

非传染性疾病风险因素合作(NCD- risc). 《澳门第一赌城在线娱乐》. 2022年2月5日;399(10324):520.


血脂异常被定义为血液中脂质浓度异常高,与生活方式和遗传疾病有关. The key clinical indicators of change in the lipid profile include hypertriglyceridemia, 降低高密度脂蛋白(HDL)胆固醇水平, and elevated small dense low-density lipoprotein-胆固醇 (LDL-C) particles.18

高水平的LDL-C估计会导致2.全世界每年有600万人死亡.19 与其他合并症同时出现, 比如高血压, 血脂异常是心血管疾病的关键危险因素.18 需要更有效的治疗方法,因为超过一半的心血管疾病高危患者仍然难以达到他们的LDL-C目标, 尽管服用了高强度的他汀类药物. 20,21 We are exploring both genetic targets as well as comorbid disease drivers, 比如肥胖, 目的是开发治疗血脂异常的新药, 以及相关的心脏代谢疾病.

Emergency setting care for people at risk of cardiovascular events

全球有数百万人服用血液稀释剂, 特别是直接口服抗凝剂(doac).22 Clinicians often prescribe these medicines for the prevention and treatment of thrombotic events, 或因心率不规律(心房颤动)而有中风高风险的患者.22-25 由于心血管(CV)疾病仍然是全球死亡的主要原因,预计它们的使用量将继续增加. 25

These medicines are intended to prevent blood from coagulating and forming clots, which can obstruct blood flow and potentially harm different organs in the body such as the 心. 虽然doac有可能挽救生命, 有效可靠的药物治疗, 它们有一个小但重要的风险不受控制或大出血,如颅内出血(ICH)。, 外伤或胃肠道出血. This increased risk is linked to the blood’s lowered ability to clot. 23,24,26

每年有2-4%的患者会出现罕见的大出血并发症.27 Anticoagulant-related bleeding may occur spontaneously or because of trauma, 侵入性手术并发症, 或其他疾病或状况.28 Reversal of DOACs is critical to slow or stop a major bleed and take further medical interventions.28 处理这些大出血需要速度, efficiency and clear hospital protocols based on current guidelines. 30


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐很自豪能与医护人员合作, 病人, 政府和决策者改善获得医疗保健的机会, 消除诊断和最佳治疗的障碍, 改变了crvrm疾病的检测方式, 诊断和治疗共同加速医疗实践的变化,为患者带来不同.


建立在一个令人印象深刻的遗产在CVRM研究, we are uniquely positioned to build a healthier and longer future for people with these diseases. Our team of over 1,000 people spans more than 23 functions including early and late R&D,医疗和商业.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的员工都是有成就和经验丰富的科学家, 研究人员, 临床医生, 以及医疗保健和商业专业人士,他们致力于推进新科学和推动实践变革,使crvrm疾病患者受益. 


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